February 17, 2024

Is Sugarcane Juice Good for Urine Infection?

Written by our expert

Dr. Meenakshi Maruwada

Dr. Meenakshi Maruwada

Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), GMHE (IIM Bangalore)

Is Sugarcane Juice Good for Urine Infection?
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Feeling an increased urge to pee or experience a burning sensation when urinating? You may have a urine infection (a UTI or urinary tract infection).

Did you know over 50% of women and at least 12% of men experience a urinary infection in their lifetime?

These infections are considered one of the most common worldwide.

Despite their prevalence, urinary infections are easy to prevent and treat.

Since they are heterogenous in origin, i.e., many bacteria are responsible for causing this condition, the treatment depends upon the causative bacteria and the individual’s symptoms.

Allopathic medicine provides numerous medications for urinary tract infections (UTIs), yet traditional medicinal systems such as Ayurveda also present a variety of recommendations for treating this ailment.

Woman Drinking Sugarcane Juice

Among these, cranberry juice is widely claimed to be effective in alleviating urinary infection symptoms.

Similarly, sugarcane juice is another home remedy frequently suggested for UTIs.

You might have experienced relief after consuming it.

However, the question arises: Is sugarcane juice effective against urinary infections?

Let's delve into the evidence to uncover the truth!

UTIs: A Common Unwelcomed Guest

Urinary infections are caused by bacteria and can affect any part of the urinary tract.

The most common form of urinary infection is cystitis or bladder infection.

Some people are at a greater risk of getting urinary infections.

A few other factors that may increase your risk for urinary infections include:

  • A previous UTI
  • Unhygienic sexual activity
  • Pregnancy
  • Changes in the vaginal bacteria due to menopause or the use of spermicides
  • Age (older adults are more prone to UTIs)
  • Structural changes in the urinary tract
  • Poor hygiene

How do UTIs Occur?

Urinary infections occur when bacteria from the skin or rectum enter the urinary tract.

Several bacteria are known to cause urinary infections, but the most common of them are:

  • Escherichia coli
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Proteus mirabilis
  • Enterococcus faecalis

Urinary infections are more common in women because they have shorter urethras.

Treatment and Remedies for UTIs

Since urinary infections are predominantly caused by bacteria, the most common treatment is antibiotics.

At the same time, managing the various associated symptoms is also important.

A few of these measures include:

Is Sugarcane Juice Effective in Treating UTIs?

Nutrient Composition of Sugarcane Juice

Sugarcane juice is the first material obtained when preparing sugar.

A drink that provides instant energy, it is particularly refreshing during the summer months.

Sugarcane juice contains 70-75% water, 13% to 15% sucrose, and 10% to 15% fibre

Several small studies have found other components in sugarcane juice, such as chlorogenic acid, cinnamic acid, and flavones.

Sugarcane juice also contains several phytochemicals (plant compounds) with antioxidant properties.

Sugarcane Juice for Urinary Infections: Myth or Fact?

Due to its nutrient composition, sugarcane juice is believed to offer several health benefits.

According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice is recommended for urinary infections due to its diuretic properties.

It is believed that the regular use of sugarcane juice will keep the urinary flow clear and fast, which helps the kidneys clear out the infection and perform their function properly.

Besides its diuretic properties, sugarcane juice is also believed to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antihyperglycemic properties.

These properties may also help treat and manage urinary infections per traditional Ayurveda and Unani practices. 

What Does the Science Say?

So, is sugarcane juice good for urinary infections? 

Studies around sugarcane juice’s ability to help with urine infections are limited.

There isn’t enough scientific evidence to conclusively prove sugarcane juice is useful in treating or managing urine infections or its symptoms.

So, consume sugarcane juice cautiously if you have a urinary infection and only after consulting your doctor.

If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes, you must always exercise caution before adding sugarcane juice to your diet, as the high sugars in it can affect your blood glucose levels.

Wrapping Up!

Sugarcane juice is a crowd favourite, and for good reason.

It possesses several nutrients that keep you healthy.

However, its use in the management of urine infections requires more research.

Always consult your doctor before using home remedies and alternative treatments for health conditions. In the case of urinary infections, prevention is key.

Staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, and reducing risk factors wherever possible can help prevent urinary infections.

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