August 10, 2022

The Best Time To Take Vitamin D

The Best Time To Take Vitamin D
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Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is essential for the overall wellness of the body. Fulfilling the vitamin D requirements is not possible through diet alone. Very few food items contain a good quantity of vitamin D in them. A large population across the globe suffers from vitamin D deficiency.

How Can You Benefit From Vitamin D Supplements?

Vitamin D is only available in the form of sunshine, food items, and supplements. It is what differentiates this vitamin from the others. When the ultraviolet B (UV-B) rays encounter the cholesterol on your skin, it converts into vitamin D.

From bone health to immune function, the sunshine vitamin is responsible for several things. Since it is present in only a few food items, your body will remain deficient even after a healthy diet. Moreover, not everyone has the sun exposure they need.

Also, the amount of vitamin D you receive from the sun depends on several factors. For instance, a few aspects are how much time you spend outside and the body parts in contact with the sun. 

Absorption With Meals 

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient. It does not dissolve in water and gets absorbed by the body when paired with high-fat food items. To make the best of vitamin D, consume it with your meals so that it effectively goes into the bloodstream.

In a study of 17 people, consuming vitamin D with the biggest meal of the day increases blood levels by 50% in 2-3 months. Full-fat dairy products, seeds, nuts, and avocados are some foods that increase the absorption of vitamin D in the body. 

Morning Routine 

A lot of people like to take vitamin D in the morning itself. Some believe that it is more effective early in the day. On the other hand, others find it easier to remember at this time. 

Taking other medications or supplements throughout the day will make it easier for you to take vitamin D in the morning. Make it a habit to consume this with your breakfast, as this meal is usually the heaviest in the entire day. 

Nowadays, there are customizable pillboxes where you can write the day and time on the box. This way, you will remember daily to take your vitamin D supplements. You can also set the alarm or a reminder to take the supplement. If you get caught up in other tasks during the day and often forget to take your meds, have vitamin D first thing in the morning. 

Incorporating It Into The Night Routine

Vitamin D levels have a direct connection with sleep quality. When you have low vitamin D levels, you will likely experience more sleep disturbances. Not only this, but you may experience poor sleep quality as well as reduced sleep duration due to this. A study shows that low melatonin levels may be associated with higher blood levels of vitamin D. 

Melatonin is the compound responsible for governing the sleep cycle, especially in people with multiple sclerosis. Some reports suggest that taking vitamin D at night is not advisable. The vitamin can negatively impact sleep quality by hindering melatonin production.  

More scientific research is necessary to back up this statement. It is not quite sure how vitamin D affects sleep quality if you consume it at night. 

So, When To Take Vitamin D Supplements? 

It is better to consume vitamin D with a heavy meal to increase absorption. Also, it may increase blood levels efficiently to a great extent. There is not enough research that supports which is the best time to take vitamin D.

For now, you will need to opt for the trial method. First, fit it into your morning routine to see how it works out for you. 

If not, try it again tonight and see which one suits you the best. Whether you take it in the morning or evening, ensure that you have it with a meal. Furthermore, consuming vitamin D with breakfast or dinner may not always be possible. In such cases, you can take it with a morning or evening snack. 

The only way to determine which time is ideal is to test both routines. Try it for a few days, at least before you come to any conclusion. 

Vitamin D Deficiency 

Fatigue, bone pain, anxiety, and infections are common vitamin D deficiency symptoms. However, sometimes the symptoms may take months or years to surface. If you have any such symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. Get regular checkups to see whether your nutrients are on level or not.

Before taking any supplements, we recommend you talk to your doctor first. Although vitamin D supplements have no harmful side effects, you should still discuss your dosage requirements. Getting sufficient levels of this vitamin is extremely important to ensure the proper functioning of your body. It also prevents the risks of several chronic diseases like cancer

Take Away

Vitamin D has numerous potential benefits in the healthcare industry. Try to add vitamin D-rich food items to your diet daily. Get sun exposure at least once or twice a week. Opt for the best quality vitamin D supplements that your doctor suggests. From increasing bone health, weight management, and improving the mood to reducing anxiety, this vitamin has plenty of benefits and is very significant.

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