September 10, 2022

How Vitamin D Can Help Improve Your Exercise Routine

How Vitamin D Can Help Improve Your Exercise Routine
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An abundance of research led to a collective conclusion that vitamin D may benefit the heart, bone, brain, and immunity.

Recent studies also appear to support its role in enhancing exercise.

The European Journal Of Preventive Cardiology mentions a study about the link between higher concentrations of vitamin D and increased activity in exercise.

It also contributes to the hoard of evidence supporting the beneficial effects of this nutrient on cardiac health, increasing stamina, and a possible reduction in developing any more ailments.

Studies noted that higher levels of vitamin D existed in people who exercised daily. The quantity of oxygen utilized while working out helps measure the optimum health of the heart and lungs. It shows how effectively the heart and lungs work together, facilitating the muscles.

The measurement found is denoted by VO2 max. The higher the VO2 max, the higher the ability to exercise for a long time.

This enhanced cardiac and respiratory function leads to better health, possibly lengthening one’s life and improving the quality.

This research laid-down evidence about the relationship between vitamin D and cardio-pulmonary activity while exercising.

Information From The Study

The research involved 2,000 people from different parts of the country between the ages of 29 to 49. They completed a treadmill test to measure the relationship between vitamin D and cardiopulmonary factors. Basis their vitamin D levels, they were split into four equal groups.

The group with higher vitamin D levels performed better than the other groups. The association remained the same even after considering additional factors like tobacco usage, alcohol consumption, age, gender, weight, and more.

The group with the highest amount of vitamin D had a better cardiopulmonary function, as much as 2.9 times better than the group with the lowest amount.

The European Society Of Cardiology (ESC) stated that the relationship between vitamin D and cardio-respiratory functions exists, with higher amounts being beneficial. They added that this held regardless of multiple variables like gender, comorbidities, substance abuse, etc.

An increase of 10 points in vitamin D led to a subsequent increase in VO2 max, which is a positive effect. Such activity suggests the possible linkage between the amount of vitamin D and the ability to exercise.

Since this was an observational study, this phenomenon requires more studies and evidence to establish this relationship.

Sources Of Vitamin D

The research did not mention the sources of vitamin D used.

Sunlight is a primary natural source of vitamin D. It triggers the skin to manufacture the nutrient when exposed. Sunlight exposure may help people who reside in areas with adequate sunshine. But locations further away from the equator with less sunlight might find it challenging to obtain sufficient quantities.

Vitamin D exists in some food sources like egg yolks, liver, and fatty fish. Regularly used pantry items are fortified with vitamin D, making it easier for the general public to consume enough of the nutrient.

Supplementation is another option, with 400-800 IU per day being the recommended dose. Depending on the severity of the deficiency and health disorder, supplementations can go as high as 4,000 IU. It, of course, should only be executed under the guidance of a qualified physician or expert.

Please take precautions so as not to overdose on supplements which can lead to side effects that can alter your health status.

Some physicians may alter your diet plan, recommend more outdoor time and prescribe supplements if required.

Benefits From Taking Vitamin D

Just like the research discussed above, Harvard also conducted a study in 2011 to confirm the link between exercise and vitamin D.

Johns Hopkins followed them and, in 2017, stated from their study that people who exercised more had higher vitamin D levels. Also, people with more vitamin D suffered from fewer cardiac issues.

Collectively taking into consideration, it is difficult to determine whether exercise affects vitamin D levels or the other way around. Exercise and vitamin D both have a complementary effect on each other. It may suggest that taking additional vitamin D may or may not positively affect the body.


Recent studies appear to support that vitamin D can enhance cardiac and respiratory function, ultimately improving the ability to exercise. It, however, should not be a motive to consume extra vitamin D without the guidance of a physician.

One can spend more time outdoors and consume more vitamin D-rich foods to meet the vitamin D requirement. Start supplementation only upon the advice of a qualified expert.

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