September 20, 2022

How Vitamin D Helps You Lose Weight

How Vitamin D Helps You Lose Weight
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Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is an essential nutrient for the body. It has several vital functionalities, from improving immunity to building stronger bones. You can get vitamin D from the sun, food items, and supplements. Moreover, several illnesses occur due to vitamin D deficiency. 

While there are many theories about this nutrient, the one about weight loss is the most popular. Here is everything you need to know about vitamin D and its connection with weight loss.

What Is Vitamin D? 

It is a fat-soluble vitamin your body can make and get from food items. The UV-B rays of the sun come in contact with the cholesterol in the skin cells to produce vitamin D. The vitamin keeps the bones and teeth healthy. It also stimulates the absorption power of calcium and phosphorus. 

Since vitamin D is not present in many food items, health professionals highly recommend sun exposure. To get a sufficient amount of this vitamin, you should spend 5-30 minutes in the sun daily. If you cannot do this, consume supplements of around 600 IU (15 mcg) daily to fulfill your vitamin D requirements. 

The amount of vitamin D produced by the body depends on several factors, like your place of residence and the time spent outside. For instance, living far away from the equator, you can not get adequate vitamin D from the sun alone. 

More than 50% of the world’s population has low vitamin D levels. Dark-skinned people, older adults, people with low sun exposure, and breastfed infants are at a greater risk of this deficiency. Obesity is yet another factor that can cause insufficient vitamin D levels in the body. 

Vitamin D Deficiency In Overweight People 

Studies demonstrate that high body mass index and high body fat percentage are linked with lower vitamin D levels. There are many theories connecting obesity and vitamin D deficiency. Some say obese people do not consume vitamin D-rich food, explaining the deficiency. Some attribute it to behavioral differences and claim that obese individuals do not expose much skin and may not get sufficient vitamin D from the sun. 

Certain enzymes are necessary to convert vitamin D into its active form. However, the level of these enzymes differs in obese and non-obese individuals. 

But, a 2012 study revealed that modifying the vitamin D dosage according to the body size of obese people reduces the difference. It shows that the vitamin D requirements of an individual depend on their body size. 

Obese people need more than non-obese individuals to have the same blood levels. It explains why overweight people may have a deficiency. 

Note that weight loss and reducing body size will lower the vitamin D requirements of the body. When you start losing weight, the amount of vitamin D remains the same in the body, which increases the vitamin level. The degree of weight loss affects how much vitamin D levels will enhance. 

Another study revealed that even little weight loss increases vitamin D in individuals. 

Vitamin D Levels And Weight Loss

Some evidence also reveals that increasing vitamin D levels can help reduce body fat and weight. A few studies suggest sufficient vitamin D can decrease body fat and boost weight loss. 

Health professionals observed 218 overweight women for a year. While all received a calorie-restricted diet and an exercise routine, only half got vitamin D supplements. The other half of the women received a placebo. Results of the study indicated that the group who fulfilled their vitamin D requirements experienced more weight loss. 

Another 12-week study revealed that the increased vitamin D levels reduced body fat but did not cause weight loss. 

Overall, vitamin D and weight loss certainly have a connection. More research is necessary to come to any conclusion. 

How Vitamin D Helps Reduce Weight

Studies indicate that vitamin D might reduce the formation of new fat cells in the body. It may suppress the storage of fat cells and reduce fat accumulation in the human body.

Also, vitamin D can increase the serotonin levels in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our mood, sleep, appetite, satiety, calorie intake, body weight, etc. 

High vitamin D levels may be associated with high testosterone levels. It might lead to weight loss by reducing body fat and sustaining long-term weight loss.

How Much Vitamin D Is Essential?

Adults aged 19-70 should receive 15 mcg or 600 IU of vitamin D daily. However, vitamin D requirements are unique for everyone and can depend on body weight.

A study calculated that 32-36 IU per pound is necessary for adequate vitamin D levels. The standard upper limit for vitamin D consumption is 4000 IU per day. You should also be aware of vitamin D toxicity and consult your physician before taking more than 4000 IU.

Final Words 

While there is mounting evidence for vitamin D and weight loss association, more research is still crucial. Getting the required vitamin D helps increase weight loss and reduce body fat. Losing weight can improve vitamin D levels and maintain strong bone health.

Consult your doctor before consuming vitamin D supplements. Discuss the dosage requirements and check whether you need the supplements or not. Try to incorporate more food items rich in vitamin D into your diet. Sun exposure is an additional benefit that produces vitamin D.

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