October 21, 2022

Expecting Children? Here's What You Need To Know About Vitamin D As Parents

Expecting Children? Here's What You Need To Know About Vitamin D As Parents
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A steady increase in the number of children developing hypertension has been rising for the past few decades. It may be detrimental in the upcoming years.

If a person had high blood pressure as a kid, he is at a higher risk of having it as an adult too. It may further lead to several cases of heart attacks or strokes.

What May Be The Underlying Cause For This?

Research has established that low vitamin D levels might cause hypertension in children. The incidence of hypertension in kids might be higher for kids with lower vitamin D levels than those with adequate levels. A sedentary lifestyle and obesity are possible risk factors for high blood pressure among children.

The Risk Of Hypertension

Our body can only synthesize vitamin D if exposed to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or artificial sources. Less sunlight exposure may mean less vitamin D production within.

A group of 775 children was analyzed from birth to adulthood to realize the effect of vitamin D on health. Blood samples were collected at birth and during early childhood, along with regular checkups till 18 years. Their weight, height, and blood pressure were recorded every year.

They documented that 44% of the kids had less vitamin D at birth, and 23% had a deficiency in early childhood.

Kids with vitamin D less than 11ng/mL were 60% more likely to suffer from increased blood pressure in the upcoming years than those with higher levels.

Amongst the kids with less than 11ng/mL of vitamin D,  those whose mothers had diabetes, hypertension, or obesity were much more likely to develop hypertension. Overweight or obese kids also have a higher risk of developing hypertension.

The above research included residents of Boston, most of them African-American. More diverse studies are needed to conclude if the results can hold for rest.

What Should You Know As Parents Expecting Children?

Adequate levels of vitamin D during childhood may prevent the development of hypertension in the future for an individual.

India is on the list of countries where vitamin D is low among children.

It is safe for pregnant women to supplement themselves with a range between 1,000-2,000 IU per day, as stated by this study.

As per a press release by the American Health Association, consistent screening during pregnancy and childhood, followed by a suitable treatment protocol, may help prevent the development of hypertension as age progresses.

Around 663 infants delivered at Holdsworth Memorial Hospital in Mysore with low vitamin D levels were associated with increased cardiac markers favoring cardiac disorders.

Pregnant women can have a minimum of 20ng/mL. A daily dose of 1,000-2,000 IU is considered safe, even without assessing vitamin D levels, amongst the Asian population. At present Indian women are recommended to supplement with 4,000 IU/day.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids up to 12 months can have 400 IU/day. Kids over the age of 12 months can have 600 IU/day.

Hassles Of Getting Enough Vitamin D

The more melanin an individual contains, the darker they are. Melanin is the pigment present in the skin that gives people their skin color. 

People with duskier skin might develop vitamin D deficiency since melanin can inhibit vitamin D synthesis. People living in colder temperatures with less sunlight are also at risk of suffering from vitamin D deficiency.

For the same purpose, sunscreen application can also prevent the production of vitamin D. Sunscreen is beneficial against developing skin cancer. Extended sunlight exposure can help synthesize enough vitamin D.

Although there are quite a few food sources with vitamin D, it may not be enough to achieve the adequate amount required. Some rich sources of vitamin D are fatty fish, fortified juices, dairy products, etc. In such cases, supplementation can help. 

Medical professionals suggest a compulsion to outdoor activity in sunlight, with an appropriate diet, as opposed to encouraging children to reside indoors to play video games. Low vitamin D levels and a sedentary lifestyle can cause health problems as kids grow.


Children born with decreased vitamin D levels develop increased blood pressure as they age. Consulting a medical professional would be ideal to find out if there is a vitamin D deficiency and get assistance with the treatment protocol. Vitamin D supplementation or increasing consumption of fortified foods may help improve levels in kids if deficient.

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