October 31, 2022

10 Components That Help Reverse Aging

Written by our expert


Avanthika Nityanand

M.Sc Human Genetics, B.Sc Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology

10 Components That Help Reverse Aging
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To be youthful for life is a wish of many, but aging is a natural progression of life we must embrace.

We see mentions of terms like anti-aging and healthy aging instead of reverse-aging or stopping the aging process. No one can prevent aging, but we can alter the speed at which it happens by following specific dietary and exercise protocols.

Two main factors are to blame for the acceleration of aging. First is the activity of harmful particles called free radicals. Free radicals are unstable particles that roam around damaging cells, including the ones that keep our skin young. The second is the shortening of certain portions of chromosomes called the telomere. The telomere is responsible for the multiplication of cells, an important activity that replaces damaged, aged and dead cells.

According to professionals, the natural way to combat aging is to have a healthy diet filled with beneficial nutrients, exercise regularly, and avoid alcohol and smoking.

Additionally, experts have found a few components that can assist in delaying aging and the diseases that come with it.

1. Green Tea

This mellow-colored beverage is a popular ingredient in wellness. It hosts a multitude of benefits, one of them being the ability to stagnate the process of aging.

The benefits of green tea are due to the presence of an enzyme called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), the prime compound of green tea. Property-wise, it exhibits a healthy heart and anti-cancer characteristics. It also works as a protective agent against aging.

The enzymatic action of green tea triggers autophagy, which is the rapid cleanup of dead cell debris in our bodies. It delays the aging of the skin and helps regenerate mitochondria in cells.

There appears to be a link between the consumption of green tea and the reduction of hyperpigmentation and aging.

Apart from its effect on the skin, it also appears to delay brain aging, stimulating neurons and exhibiting a stress-relieving effect.

One can obtain the benefits of green tea either by ingesting it or consuming it in supplement form.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, stabilizing harmful particles that damage cells like free radicals. It has several health benefits and helps fight factors contributing to aging like inflammation, a defective immune system, and cell damage. All these functions make it a vital component of the body.

In a study with 80 adults with an average age of 60, those with higher vitamin C levels saw a better outcome in tests that involved memory, focus, attention, recall, recognition, and decision-making.

Vitamin C plays a role in skin health as well. It helps improve collagen production and skin hydration. It also reduces wrinkles caused by sun exposure and may delay aging.

The elderly may be at a higher risk of suffering from low vitamin C levels than younger adults and require supplementation or an increase in dietary vitamin C.

3. Turmeric

A majority of turmeric’s healing properties are all due to an enzyme it contains called curcumin.

Sometimes cells that cease to multiply do not die and instead remain stagnant, leading to accumulation. This process is called cellular senescence and causes an acceleration in aging. Curcumin helps delay cellular senescence by triggering specific proteins.

Curcumin also helps improve damaged cells and delays the onset of age-related diseases.

The elderly can benefit from regular turmeric intake to tackle any decline in cognitive and intellectual function.

We can use turmeric in its fresh form or dried powder as a spice in cooking. Another option would be to choose supplements.

4. Nicotinamide Riboside And Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

Nicotinamide Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a compound in every cell and carries out multiple bodily functions. NAD+ comes from nicotinamide riboside (NR) and nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN).

As we age, NAD+ decreases, causing age-related disorders to appear. Replenishing with NR and NMN may help restore levels of NAD+ as it is a combination of two components.

As per a study, around 12 men aged 75 years were supplemented with one gram of NR for 21 days, resulting in a decline in inflammation and an increase in muscular NAD+.

The telomere is a segment in the chromosome responsible for aging. Its length is of high importance. A 30-day study conducted for a group aged 45 to 60 and a few mice found that the NMN supplements increased the telomere length in both.

NR and NMN appear to benefit or slow down the aging process but require further studies to support it.

5. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

An antioxidant our body creates, CoQ10 helps prevent damage on a cellular level and produces energy. It stabilizes unstable molecules that cause damage to the cells and skin.

This enzyme decreases as we age, so we might require CoQ10 supplements to meet the requirement.

Around 443 adults were given CoQ10 supplements for over four years resulting in lesser visits to the hospital, better physical and mental health, and an overall increase in their life quality.

6. Collagen

Collagen is a protein in the skin that keeps it firm and perky. As we age, the collagen produced by the body decreases, leading to the risk of droopy skin and wrinkles.

Studies have documented that collagen supplements can reduce symptoms like dryness, wrinkles, and other associated signs.

Around 72 women took a supplement that included 2.5 grams of collagen with other ingredients for over 12 weeks. It improved their skin hydration, elasticity, roughness, and overall appearance of the skin.

Supplements of collagen exist in many forms - capsules, powders, and gummies.

7. Saffron

A common ingredient in Indian and Spanish cuisine, this spice is known for its unique fragrance and high price. Its health benefits and color are from a yellow pigment called Crocin, which is present in it.

Animal studies showed that using Crocin helped prevent the production of molecules like advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and Reactive oxygen species (ROS) that accelerate aging.

Crocin also has shown the ability to fight inflammation and prevent UV-related sun damage to the skin.

Since saffron is expensive, supplementation may be a better option, monetary-wise.

8. Resveratrol

A compound present in grapes, wine, dark berries, and peanuts, it has a beneficial effect on preventing aging through activating molecules called sirtuins.

This component has been tested on animals and helps increase lifespan. We need more studies involving humans to know more about its benefits.

9. Sulforaphane

A sulfurous component present in vegetables like broccoli, and cauliflower, it helps fight inflammation.

Studies regarding animals like roundworms and mice have documented an increased life span and a decrease in cardiac issues.

10. Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays a role in regulating inflammation and immunity. Like other vitamins, it decreases with age and may be required in higher amounts as we age.


The best way to reverse aging and ensure longevity is to take care of your body physically and mentally. Having nutritious food, staying hydrated, getting ample sleep, reducing stress, and exercising are the best ways to keep your body active and healthy.

Apart from following a healthy lifestyle and diet, the above components and their supplements can help slow the aging process. You can take them after consulting your doctor.

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