November 9, 2022

Can Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Increase Your Lifespan?

Can Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Increase Your Lifespan?
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The wellness industry is always searching for ingredients that retain youthfulness or possibly increase one’s lifespan. Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) may be the next ingredient the wellness industry focuses on, but is it worth recommending?

Many components aid in the fight against aging and the disorders it brings along. NMN, a potential substance, is ingested in a supplement form and may be the new shining star in the anti-aging community. Read on to understand this miracle molecule and whether it deserves all the hype.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide

NMN is the previous form of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a vital coenzyme our body requires to maintain and process functions. Enzymes are molecules that help conduct all the chemical reactions in our bodies. Coenzymes like NAD+ support the enzymes in performing their role.

A vital component of our human body, NAD+ has several benefits, without which our body would not be able to function. It is an essential ingredient for our biology but declines as we age. It is even reviewed as a marker to measure aging and its progression.

While NMN alone is not of much value, the fact that it turns into NAD+ is why it is of importance to us. So, maintaining high levels of NAD can aid us in remaining youthful and energetic.

How Does NMN Work?

NMN does not have any function of its own. It is mainly used for its ability to break down into NAD, which is the prize we are after. Unfortunately, NAD in supplement form does not perform well when consumed. As a result, experts have started to rely on its precursors, NMN and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), which will further convert into NAD to be utilized by the body. NMN and NR are good sources to improve NAD levels in the body.

Can NAD Help With Aging?

NAD is a molecule that assists cells in performing their function. It is an incredibly vital component in your body. A dip in their levels as we grow older makes us more prone to developing diseases. A way to combat this decline is to follow a nutritious diet and adequate exercise daily, as well as opt for supplements if required. Evidence has shown that supplements can increase mitochondria, boosting energy levels. As per research, NAD helped lengthen the lifespan of mice upon supplementation.


There is no evidence to show which of the two is better. NR is tinier than NMN and enters cells much more efficiently than NMN. NMN undergoes several transformations, sometimes even turning into NR, before forming NAD.

While NR may seem the better option, both work equally well in improving NAD levels. Further research is required to determine whether they have different functions according to their use. 

Evidence has shown that proteins in the gut of mice hold NMN and utilize them, while NR is not compatible. NMN is also efficient in regulating insulin levels and improving metabolism. However, it is tough to decide which of the two is superior.

Can NMN Increase NAD Levels?

Several studies conclude that NMN can improve levels of NAD. Research by Nature Magazine documented the consequent increase in NAD upon supplementation of NMN when tested on adult women.

Studies show that the health benefits derived from using NMN positively affect disorders like diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Is NMN Safe To Use?

There is no record of ill effects from NMN, even in high doses. Research is still ongoing, and experts are testing the molecule to understand it even more. With no documented side effects, one can safely opt for NMN to boost their NAD levels, improving their quality of life.

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