May 5, 2022

Keep Your Heart In Top Shape With Coenzyme Q10

Written by our expert


Maathanghi Vijayaragavan

MBA in Communication Management, BA in Journalism

Keep Your Heart In Top Shape With Coenzyme Q10
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Over the past few years, people living in the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Australia, and India have been increasingly affected by several health conditions like diabetes, heart issues, lung conditions, and cancer. This rise is mainly due to unhealthy lifestyle choices and food habits. Demand for healthy food, ingredients, and supplements has increased the world over to tackle and reduce the occurrence of such conditions.

CoQ10 is known for its positive effects on the heart. It also helps reduce headaches and the risk of diabetes, makes the skin look young, and enhances exercise performance. Scientists say that CoQ10 has increasing benefits for people with cardiovascular conditions.

What Is Coenzyme Q10 Or CoQ10?

Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance found in all the cells in our bodies. It is fat-soluble and helps convert the food we eat into energy for our bodies. CoQ10 is produced by our body and found in certain foods like nuts, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, whole grains, sardines, chicken, mackerel, and organ meats like kidney or liver. 

CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. It helps the body fight against the damage it undergoes due to oxidants or toxic radicals. But, CoQ10 reduces as we grow and age. The CoQ10 levels in our bodies start depreciating from the age of 20.

What Is The Difference Between Ubiquinol And Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 comes in two forms termed ubiquinone and ubiquinol. Our human body produces CoQ10 in the ubiquinone form. It is processed further to create the active antioxidant form of CoQ10 called ubiquinol.

As we cross the age of 30, the ubiquinone levels in the body start reducing. It means that our body’s ability to make ubiquinol decreases as well. To counter this issue of CoQ10 deficiency in people as they turn old, some doctors prescribe CoQ10 dietary supplements. Most of these supplements come in ubiquinone form and are economical but ineffective. Those that come in ubiquinol form are rare and expensive but are more effective since they are the active form of CoQ10. 

Deficiency And Testing For CoQ10 Levels

While CoQ10 decreases in the body due to age, there are other reasons for low levels of CoQ10 in the body. Some of the causes of a CoQ10 deficiency include mitochondrial conditions, genetic inability to produce CoQ10, nutritional or vitamin B6 deficiency, and side effects from cholesterol-lowering statin treatments.

A decreasing amount of CoQ10 in the body is associated with health conditions such as heart issues, diabetes, brain problems, cancer, etc. But more research is required to confirm if the health conditions occur due to low coenzyme Q10 or if they cause the CoQ10 deficiency.

A simple and quick blood test helps figure out if the CoQ10 levels are good or not. Any shortage means it is an invitation to several issues and disorders. Studies show that low levels of good cholesterol imply that the blood levels of coenzyme Q10 will be insufficient. Taking statins to lower cholesterol sometimes also lowers the CoQ10 levels in the blood.

How Coenzyme Q10 Helps Maintain Heart Health

Research done in recent times shows that coenzyme Q10 is beneficial for people with heart conditions. It is given separately or in combination with other therapies. 

  • CoQ10 for people with cardiovascular issues

CoQ10 supplements tend to increase good cholesterol levels in people taking statin treatments. It helps in reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular conditions. CoQ10 supplements also help reduce inflammatory biomarker levels that are risk factors for developing cardiovascular issues. Low coenzyme Q10 levels are linked to tissue damage near the heart during a heart attack and near the brain during a stroke. 

  • CoQ10 for people after a heart attack

Research proves that patients who received CoQ10 right after a heart attack had a reduced rate of successive cardiac events in the span of a year. 

  • CoQ10 for people with heart failure

A study done in 2013 showed that CoQ10 supplements reduced the mortality rates due to heart failure by half. CoQ10 supplements helped improve the functional capacity and quality of life in people with heart failure without any side effects. 

  • CoQ10 for people taking statin medication

People taking statin medications generally tend to complain about side effects like weakness and aches in their muscles. Due to this, they even discontinue their statin medications. A 2014 clinical study found that statin users with muscle pains noted a reduction in pain. So, researchers concluded that combining CoQ10 supplements with statin medication was the best way forward.

  • CoQ10 for people with high blood pressure

Research has shown that coenzyme Q10 supplements have the potential to lower high blood pressure without any side effects.

Additional Points About CoQ10 Supplements

  • The only way to determine if you have a coenzyme Q10 deficiency is to do a simple blood test and measure your blood CoQ10 levels. In case of low blood CoQ10 levels, then CoQ10 supplements are prescribed by your health practitioners
  • It is best to check with your doctor or medical provider before starting the CoQ10 supplements. First, check if it is appropriate for you to take it, and if so, on the correct dosage
  • CoQ10 is a fat-soluble substance. The supplements are best absorbed by the body when taken with some food
  • There are several CoQ10 supplements in the market, so check on what is best from the perspective of your health condition before finalizing one. Youngsters are prescribed ubiquinone, and elders are given ubiquinol
  • CoQ10 levels are linked to your good cholesterol levels. If your good cholesterol levels are low, then your CoQ10 levels will be low as well.


Coenzyme Q10 is present in every human cell and more near high energy-consuming organs like the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, etc. Having a sufficient amount of CoQ10 is necessary for the body. In case of a deficit, the best way to combat this is through CoQ10 supplementation. CoQ10, with its antioxidant properties, will also benefit people with heart conditions and issues.

While you take CoQ10 supplements to improve your heart conditions, also have antioxidant-rich food like fruits, herbs, spices, vegetables, green leafy vegetables like spinach, mint, broccoli, etc., to your meals.

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