August 1, 2022

8 Caribbean Foods That Help Fight Inflammation 

Written by our expert


Avanthika Nityanand

M.Sc Human Genetics, B.Sc Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology

8 Caribbean Foods That Help Fight Inflammation 
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Inflammation is the body’s process of fighting things that can harm it. When your body discovers toxic agents like bacteria and viruses or has an injury, it activates the immune system

Poor diet, insufficient sleep, stress, and wrong lifestyle choices lead to chronic inflammation. Moreover, it can lead to chronic conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, liver diseases, and cancer

The good news is that it can reverse inflammation by improving your food choices. 

Here are the top Caribbean cultural foods that can fight inflammation:

1. Cocoa And Dark Chocolate

The Caribbean is known for producing the best quality cocoa. While cocoa and dark chocolate are delicious, they also have several health benefits. Flavanols are the antioxidants found in cocoa products that have anti-inflammatory properties. It may enhance blood vessel health and reduce heart disease risk. 

Not only this, but it can also improve exercise performance and recovery. Dark chocolates and cocoa-rich flavonoids may guard against blood vessel damage. It combats oxidative stress due to aging and smoking by boosting nitric oxide production. The higher the number of flavonoids in cocoa, the higher its antioxidant properties will be.

2. Curcumin

Turmeric has an active compound known as curcumin, which has various health benefits. It protects brain health and combats diabetes, heart diseases, bowel disease, and inflammation related to obesity. Curcumin has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that fight several chronic conditions. 

However, it cannot get fully absorbed by the body. Curcumin combines with piperine to boost its absorption power to create a powerful combination. Plus, this combination can reduce inflammation to a greater extent than using curcumin alone.

3. West Indian Cherry

Popularly known as acerola, it contains an outstanding amount of ascorbic acid. One cup of west indian cherry contains approximately 1650 mg of vitamin C. While only 75 mg is necessary for women, this fruit can give you 18 times the required amount. 

Vitamin C fights free radicals and thereby reduces inflammation in the body. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds like polyphenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids. You can either consume the juice or enjoy the raw fruit as it is to avail of its excellent benefits.

4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is widely known for reducing blood sugar levels in the body. A study on rats revealed that cinnamon decreased inflammation in adipose tissues. Not only this, but it also improved insulin resistance. However, research on humans had conflicting results. One study illustrates that cinnamon reduces almost all markers of inflammation

On the other hand, clinical trials on type-2 diabetes patients showed that cinnamon reduced cholesterol levels. It did not have much effect on markers of inflammation. While the results are not precise, there is still scope for cinnamon in medicine.

5. Pimento Pepper

Pimento pepper is a member of the capsicum family. One can easily add pimento pepper to their diet. This pepper adds flavor to cooked dishes and may impart health benefits at the same time.

It contains flavonoids, alkaloids, quercetin, and carotenoids. Such ingredients may have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Animal studies reveal that capsicum reduced the production of pro-inflammatory compounds in obese rats. It also reduced the cell damage in the gut of mice. While this research indicates the scope for future use for anti-inflammatory purposes, human research is still necessary. 

6. Ginger 

Ginger is extremely common in the Caribbean and is in beverages and cooked food items. The active compounds present in ginger improve obesity-related inflammation, arthritis, aging, and neurocognitive diseases. 

Studies reveal that whole ginger extract can reduce lung inflammation. A trial also suggests that it may be a treatment for asthma in the future. 

You can add ginger to food items or tea. There is no known side effect of ginger, and you can consume it daily to avail of its benefits. More clinical trials are necessary to understand how ginger works in the body.

7. Red Sorrel 

Also called roselle, this compound is significant in traditional medicine. Human and animal research demonstrates that red sorrel may reduce blood pressure levels. Also, it can improve cholesterol levels in the body. Red sorrel showed improvements in weight loss and insulin resistance

One study illustrates that this element may be a herbal cancer treatment and prevention. However, more research is vital to confirm this aspect. Red sorrel contains anthocyanins, polyphenols, and hibiscus acids. Roselle tea is famous in several parts of the globe as a cold and hot beverage. 

8. Passion Fruit

Passion fruit belongs to the passiflora family, which has a long history in ancient medicine. It may treat anxiety as well as convulsive disorders. Flavonoids, piceatannol, and triterpenoids, provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

These compounds may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and treat high blood sugar. A study states that the piceatannol extract in passion fruit can improve insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, it can also reduce blood pressure and heart rate in obese men. Note that it did not have the same effects on obese women. Therefore, more clinical trials are necessary to draw any conclusions. 

Lifestyle Changes To Adapt

To reverse chronic inflammation, you must opt for a healthy diet. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night and look for ways to manage your stress. Poor sleep and sleep disturbances may lead to inflammation. Move your body daily and be active to exercise your muscles. Smoking and drinking alcohol may also lead to inflammation, so avoid them. 

Final Words 

Chronic inflammation may give rise to some severe illnesses in the body. Above mentioned Caribbean food items are incredible and have anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from focusing on your diet, ensure that you start living an overall healthy life in terms of exercise, sleep, and good mental and emotional health.

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