July 9, 2022

How To Use Turmeric To Treat Depression?

How To Use Turmeric To Treat Depression?
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Research shows that turmeric is responsible for several health benefits. We all are aware of the anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties of turmeric. It is a spice that is usually a common ingredient in curries and other food items. With a beautiful vibrant yellow color, it imparts many health benefits. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine has been using this ingredient for several years now. Some reports link turmeric with treating depression. Let us find out if turmeric can cure depression and what are some of its widespread benefits for health. 

Turmeric And Its Active Ingredient 

Turmeric is trendy in Asian cuisine. While cooking, we use a powdered form of this yellow spice. Most of the benefits of turmeric come from its active ingredient known as curcumin. It is curcumin that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Along with providing other benefits, curcumin may also help aid depression. Research reveals that the benefits are applicable for both mild and severe depression. From improving heart and inflammatory diseases to providing relief in pain, curcumin is a magical active compound. Let us see how it can help with depression and how the ingredient works. 

How Turmeric Is Beneficial For Depression? 

Curcumin contains antioxidants that are useful for combating free radicals. Along with reducing oxidative stress, it also reduces inflammation to a great extent. Studies demonstrate that there is a link between chronic inflammation and depression. It is not evident whether inflammation causes depression or is it the other way round. Whatever the case is, both of these go hand in hand. Since curcumin can fight chronic inflammation, it will reduce depression as well. Many trials are still going on to see the scope for turmeric as a medicine for depression. 

Using Turmeric Alone 

A study in 2017 revealed that curcumin helps treat depression. It is a safe ingredient to use, and no side effects are known. Curcumin can be a natural and safe treatment for this disease. Another study illustrated if curcumin is beneficial with other herbs. Research in 2017 states that combined curcumin and saffron have significant effects. On the other hand, two studies in 2014 indicated that curcumin alone has the same impact as the combination. One thing is clear: curcumin alone is sufficient for depression. 

How To Use Turmeric 

Researchers say that curcumin can be a stand-alone treatment for depression one day. You should talk to your doctor first and consult the possible risks. More research is necessary to come to any conclusion about the effects of turmeric. Therefore, do not avoid the usage of your regular antidepressants. It is not clear yet if you can rely on the ingredient entirely. However, you can still use the turmeric treatment and your traditional medicines. Give it at least four weeks till you notice a difference. 

As A Supplement 

Turmeric is widely available in powder, tincture, and extract forms. You can get it from a local health store or order it online. Also, how you consume the supplement is not essential. However, do check the percentage in which the curcumin is present in the supplement. Curcumin is high percent, say 95 percent or more, highly beneficial to the body. If a supplement does not mention the amount of curcumin present in it, switch to another product. Try to get purely extracted curcumin as it is the ideal option. Do check the dosage before consuming any supplement. 

In Your Meals 

Using turmeric in meals is very common. It gives a beautiful color and an excellent taste to the food. Studies on using turmeric as a meal are not many. There is still more research necessary to come to conclusions. The only problem is that most turmeric products do not come with a label with the amount of curcumin in them. Opt for labeled products that are high in curcumin. Even one teaspoon of such turmeric products is enough to add to the food for availing benefits. 

Piperine And Curcumin 

Piperine is the crucial compound of black pepper. Several studies reveal that turmeric and black pepper are a powerful combination. When used together, they give extraordinary effects. Curcumin is an excellent compound but not easily absorbed by the body. To avail of its full benefits, you can use black pepper. 

Piperine increases the absorption power of curcumin so that you can get its benefits at total capacity. Due to this factor, piperine with curcumin works faster and allows it to enter your bloodstream more quickly. A study in 2013 stated that the benefits of using curcumin and piperine together are higher than using curcumin alone. Adding 20 milligrams of piperine is enough. However, you should still consult the dosage with your doctor. Try to use both of these ingredients together for effective results. 

Risks And Side Effects 

There are no significant side effects of curcumin. It is usually safe to consume, but a few people may have minor side effects. Upset stomach, nausea, and vomiting are the symptoms of consuming high amounts of curcumin. Start taking a small dosage of curcumin and gradually increase the dosage. 

Remember that there is no maximum dose for turmeric, so it is always better to get a recommendation from the doctor. If you are already on antidepressants, you should talk to your doctor before taking any supplements. Reduce the risks by following the safety instructions. Although no harm is reported even after consuming a high dosage, it is advisable to take precautions. 

Final Words 

Curcumin shows promising results for the treatment of depression. More studies are necessary for using curcumin as a stand-alone treatment. Keep taking your regular medications even if you are using curcumin supplements. Consult a doctor immediately if you notice any side effects after taking curcumin supplements or turmeric.

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