September 16, 2022

How Turmeric Helps Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

How Turmeric Helps Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
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Often known as the golden spice or Indian saffron, turmeric is a tall plant grown in Asia and Central America. Turmeric is available in the form of capsules, extracts, and tea. This ingredient is what gives curry its yellow color. Apart from being a valuable element in the kitchen, turmeric has a wide array of health benefits.

Curcumin is the prominent ingredient in turmeric and the main reason behind its several benefits. It is known for its incredible antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties. Studies show that turmeric contains properties that may be beneficial in aiding rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Let us have a look at its benefits as well as its common uses. 

Turmeric For RA Symptoms

The active ingredient curcumin in turmeric has remarkable impacts on reducing the effects of inflammation. Studies ascertain that curcumin can block enzymes as well as cytokines that give rise to inflammation. Such factors conclude that curcumin can become a complementary treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

A particular study shows that a group of people received anti-inflammatory drugs while another group got 500 mg of curcumin. Results showed that the curcumin group improved more than the first group. 

Although the results were satisfactory, this was a small study, and more studies on a larger scale are necessary to prove the theory. Moreover, turmeric is safe in its natural configuration, so you can add it to your diet to gain regular benefits. Turmeric is also known for imparting benefits for other inflammatory diseases like depression and cancer.  

How To Consume Turmeric?

Since turmeric is readily available on the shelves, you can either get it in powder form or buy it in its raw form. Furthermore, turmeric comes from the plant's stem, known as the rhizome. Boil it and let it dry. Then keep grinding it till it turns into a powder. 

Currently, curcumin has no side effects, even if consumed in substantial quantities. Remember that curcumin is usually not completely absorbed by the body. Hence taking sufficient quantities helps see favorable results. You can easily add this ingredient to your diet through several methods. Here are some ways you can consume turmeric or curcumin to gain the benefits:

Turmeric As A Spice 

Turmeric is available in every kitchen, even if you do not cook often. It is essential for smoothies, curries, and other food items. Since we can only add a small quantity of turmeric to food items, you can add black pepper to boost the absorption of curcumin. 

Black pepper contains piperine, which increases the body's absorption power of curcumin. If you wish to get remedial effects, it is necessary to consume curcumin in a sufficient quantity. 

Beverages With Turmeric 

Making turmeric tea at home is easy, or you can even get it online or from any store. For making it at home, add turmeric and your favorite ingredients to make a hot cup of instant turmeric tea. Coffee recipes are delicious and healthy, so you can also try them. Golden milk or turmeric milk is another famous beverage.

Plus, such beverages can heal wounds and provide relief in pain. Ginger, black pepper, and cinnamon are other ingredients that go well with turmeric milk.

Turmeric Supplements

To obtain the ultimate benefits of turmeric, you can opt for curcumin capsules. Supplements contain curcumin as their key ingredient, along with black pepper, to create a powerful combination. Black pepper ensures curcumin's absorption by the body. Turmeric supplements increase the amount of curcumin that goes into your body.

However, they may hinder the primary treatment if you are already on some medication. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement, and take only the dosage recommended by the doctor.

A few studies show that large amounts of curcumin may lead to nausea and digestion issues. Although no grave problems come with a dosage of curcumin, you should still talk with your doctor first. 

Is Turmeric Enough For Treating RA? 

As of today, the consumption of turmeric is not sufficient for the treatment of RA. You can still use it as a complementary treatment, not a stand-alone therapy. Before taking any supplements or medications containing curcumin, consult your doctor to see if it is safe. Especially for people who have diabetes, inflammation, cholesterol, or blood thinners, you must speak to your doctor before taking anything.

Some of these supplements contain piperine which may interfere with your ongoing medication. Scientists still cannot figure out turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties and how it works. For your RA treatment, do not rely on curcumin supplements alone. 

Additional Benefits Of Turmeric 

Turmeric has a lot of health benefits that not many people may know. It contains curcumin that can improve memory, prevent Alzheimer's disease and reduce inflammation in the brain. Due to the antioxidant properties of the ingredient, it combats the harmful and toxic free radicals in the body. 

Studies also illustrate that curcumin can effectively reduce the risks of heart disease. Curcumin is an excellent compound for managing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Additionally, curcumin can boost BDNF levels. If these levels are low, it leads to depression. 

With its medicinal properties, it can treat the common cold and cough. Lastly, turmeric can delay the process of aging. It can also prevent age-related diseases in the body.

Final Words

Curcumin, the active compound of turmeric, has a wide range of health benefits. If used correctly, you can obtain its utmost advantages. Whether you use it in your food or beverages or take supplements, it is a great ingredient. However, the benefits are limited because of the low bioavailability of curcumin in turmeric.

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